How the &#%!@ do you sew a straight line?

This morning in the throes of trying to execute my first project it became quickly apparent that I don’t have nearly enough practice in controlling the fabric/sewing machine/my body to sew a straight line. Or even a straight-ish line for that matter. The seam ripper and I are becoming very good friends at this rate.

After two somewhat demoralizing attempts at sewing a 1/8 inch seam I got the idea to actually practice sewing straight lines on a scrap of fabric. Brilliant.

The results of my practice:


Some lines I tried to eyeball, for others I drew a line to follow. There was much greater success when there was a guide, so I may draw out the line for the first seam of my project or use tape. Google tells me sewing a straight line is a struggle for a lot of crafters out there, so I’m not totally discouraged. After this experience I have mad respect for Project Runway contestants. To think they do all that pressing, measuring, cutting, and sewing in such a short period of time is AMAZING, no matter what their aesthetics are.


  1. Hi there and thanks for your reblog of my other post! 🙂 Welcome to sewing! I only started myself just over a year ago (Oct 2015) and I can tell you it gets addictive quick. But then if you’re a crocheter and knitter, you’re probably all too familiar with that! Anyway, I just wanted to say that 1/8″ seam is pretty hard, especially if you’re just starting, so don’t feel bad. You’re doing the right thing practicing. I eventually got comfortable with a mark on my machine foot that I knew was 1/8″ away from the needle and just focused on the fabric hitting that mark. It also takes a while to get comfy holding the fabric with the right amount of tension to guide it smoothly. You’ll get it fast I’m sure. I look forward to seeing what you make!

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    • You only started over a year ago?! That’s amazing and encouraging! I’m going to get some painter’s tape to emphasize the 1/8th mark on my machine. At the rate things are going I won’t be able to do much until the weekend besides use the seam ripper on my latest attempt, but I have all those lovely blogs I found through you to inspire me in the meantime 🙂

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